z Inherently Matched LED Current
z Drives Up to Four LEDs from a 3.2V Supply z Drives Up to Six LEDs from a 5.0V Supply z High Efficiency: 85% Typical
z Fast 1MHz Switching Frequency
z 40V Internal Switch
z SOT-23-5L Pb-Free PACkaging
z Compatible with LT1937 and RT9271
z Cellular Phones
z MP3 Players
z PDAs, Hand-held Computers
z Digital Still Cameras
z GPS Receivers
General Description
The 1937 is a step-up DC/DC converter specifically designed to drive white LEDs with a constant current. The device can drive two, three or four LEDs in series from a Li-Ion cell. Series connection of the LEDs provides identical LED currents resulting in uniform brightness and
eliminates the need for ballast resistors. The
1937 switches at 1MHz that allows the use of tiny external components. A low 300mV feedback voltage minimizes power loss in the current setting resistor for better efficiency.
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