urface Mount and DIP Pressure Sensors Low-Cost PACkaged Die
Silicon Microstructures provides its two most popular pressure sensor die in surface mount dual in-line package (SO16) configuration. All parts in these series are uncompensated high-performance die mounted in an injection-molded package designed for surface mounting.
These packaged sensor die provide a way for OEM manufacturers to incorporate pressure sensors at costs close to raw die prices, without the need to handle, attach or wire bond silicon sensor die.
Options include variety of pressure ranges, absolute or gauge pressure types, and a choice of cap configurations. The result is a versatile product line suitable for a wide range of applications.
The low-pressure series (modelSM5470) incorporates Silicon Microstructure’s unique low-pressure die to achieve high performance in pressure ranges from 0.15 PSI to 3.0 PSI full-scale in gauge and differential.
The modelSM5430comes in gauge, differential, and absolute for pressure ranges from 5 PSI to 60 PSI full scale.
Low pressure (from 0-0.15 to 0-60 PSI Full Scale)
Easy to Use
Compact and Light-weight
High-performance, Stable Silicon Chip and Package
Easily Embedded in OEM Equipment
High-volume, Low Cost
Available in Tape and Reel or IC Sticks
Barometric Correction
Tire Gauges
Digital Pressure Gauges
Environmental Monitoring
Consumer and Sports
Medical Instrumentation and Monitoring
Pressure Differential and Flow Monitoring
Hand-held Gauges
Silicon Microstructures, Inc. ♦ 1701 McCarthy Blvd. ♦ Milpitas, CA 95035 USA
Tel: 408-577-0100 ♦ Fax: 408-577-0123 ♦ sales@si-micro.com ♦ www.si-micro.com
Low Cost Packaged Pressure Sensors
All parameters measure at 5 V excitation at room temperature, unless otherwise specified.
All Models
Parameter | Min. | Typ. | Max. | Units | Notes |
Excitation Voltage | 0 | 5.0 | 10.0 | V | |
Excitation Current | 0 | 1.5 | 3.0 | mA | |
Zero OffsetSM5470 SM5430 | -50 -50 | -5 0 | +50 +50 | mV mV | |
TC Span | -15 | -19 | -24 | %FS/100°C | 1, 4 |
TC Resistance | 33 | 28 | 25 | %/100°C | 1, 4 |
Bridge Impedance | 2.7 | 3.3 | 4.0 | kΩ | |
Operating Temp | -40 | 85 | °C | 4 | |
Storage Temp | -40 | 85 | °C | 4 |
SM5430 Standard Pressure Series
Span (FS Range), PSI (kPa) | Min. | Typ. | Max. | Units | Notes |
5 (34) | 75 | 100 | 125 | mV | |
15 (103) | 105 | 145 | 175 | mV | |
30 (207) | 115 | 165 | 195 | mV | |
60 (414) Linearity | 115 -0.2 | 180 +0.07 | 220 +0.2 | mV %FS | 3, 4 |
TC Offset | -5 | -1 | +5 | %FS/100°C | 1, 4 |
Burst Pressure | >5X | Rated FS Pressure | 2, 4 |
SM5470 Low Pressure Series Only
Span (FS Range), PSI (kPa) | Min. | Typ. | Max. | Units | Notes |
0.15 (1.03) | 25 | 50 | 85 | mV | |
0.30 (2.07) | 25 | 50 | 85 | mV | |
0.80 (5.52) | 25 | 50 | 85 | mV | |
1.50 (10.3) | 25 | 50 | 85 | mV | |
3.00 (20.7) Linearity | 25 -0.3 | 50 +0.1 | 85 +0.3 | mV %FS | 3, 4 |
TC Offset | -12 | +12 | %FS/100°C | 1, 4 | |
Burst Pressure | 15X | Rated FS Pressure | 2, 4 |
1Measured from 0 to 70°C
2Sensor die will survive pressure specified for all ranges. Maximum package pressure is 150 PSI.
3Defined as best-fit straight line (BFSL); for 0.3 PSI full-scale, linearity is +0.5%FS. For 0.15 PSI full-scale, linearity is +2.5% Full-Scale.
Pressure Type
A: Absolute (except 5470)Std. Pressure Low Pressure
G: GaugeRanges Ranges
D: Differential
Available Cap Type
B: Horizontal Barbed Port(s)
PSI | 5430 |
5 | 005 |
15 | 015 |
30 | 030 |
60 | 060 |
PSI | 5470 |
0.15 | 001 |
0.30 | 003 |
0.80 | 008 |
1.50 | 015 |
3.00 | 030 |
06_11Silicon Microstructures, Inc. ♦ 1701 McCarthy Blvd. ♦ Milpitas, CA 95035 USA Tel: 408-577-0100 ♦ Fax: 408-577-0123 ♦ sales@si-micro.com ♦ www.si-micro.com
Low Cost Packaged Pressure Sensors
Pin Out --SM5430/SM5470
B-Horizontal Barb Configuration
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- 地址中国 广东 深圳市福田区 深南中路6006号华丰大厦2508室
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