AM503Current probe amplifier
The AM503Current probe Ammplifier oper-ates in any one of the TM500 power mod-ules and is connected to either ahe A6302 or A6303 probes through a multi-pin connector
The knob skirt is illuminated to indicate cur-rent per division bandwidth can be limitedto 5MHZ to eliminate unwanted transients.both ac and dc coupling are provided Ac Coupling allows the measurement of low amplitude signals on a high-level dc cur-rent.A front-panel light warns of input cur-rents above 100A dc with the A6303 or 20 A dc with the A6302.A push button allows degaussing of probe when it is removed from the circuit and locked in operating position.
To display the full band pass of the probes any oscilloscope with a 10 mV sensitivity and at least 50 MHz bandwidth for the A6303/AM 503,or at least 75 MHz for the A6302/AM 503,is needed.
The AM 503 output can be piugged directly into a50Ω recording inst,or into a 1 mΩ input using the included 50Ω feedthrough termination.
A 50Ω BNC cable and 50Ω BNC feedthrough termination are included with the AM503.
- 北京中高科电子仪器公司 [加为商友]
- 联系人陈先生(先生) 经理
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- 地址北京市宣武区天宁寺前街南里4号楼3单元201室