★油漆、烤漆、涂料、 油墨等涂覆材料表面的光泽测量。 ★石材、瓷砖、型材等建筑装饰材料表面的光泽测量。 ★纸张、竹木、塑胶、薄膜等表面的光泽测量。 ★其它各种金属和非金属材料表面的光泽测量。 ●All kinds of coating and finishing surfaces, such as paints, varnishes, printing ink, etc. ●Decorative materials, such as marble, granite, polishing brick, ceramic tile and so on. ●The other kinds of metallic and non-metallic mmaterials and objects, such as plastic, woodenware, paper, etc.
★保修一年,无限期维修。 ★免费无限期调校仪器。 ★提供与光泽测量相关的技术支持。 ★订制特种光泽测量仪器。 △Guaranteed for a year and repaired for ever. △Anytime be checked free. △Technical support on the gloss measurement.