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公司: 深圳市瑞丰特电气设备有限公司 
规 格: HB129-939 
单 价: 经销批发价元/ 询价 
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2010-10-06

選擇瑞豐RUIFEN Blower讓你的產品更具有市場竟爭力

Ruifeng Special Electric Equipment Co., Ltd. research and development, production, technical services in one blower manufacturers, products, high reliability, low maintenance and long life makes it all sectors have been the first choice.
In recent years, as the world operating in industrial automation escalating, the market for industrial equipment, have higher requirements. Our company has many years as a vacuum pressure in the equipment development, and manufacturing experience in pilot enterprises, realizing the market demand and industry competition arising therefrom urgency in recent years has invested a lot of money to upgrade the processing equipment and product development, a new generation of cost-effective The vacuum pressure equipment in our company turned out to. Ring blowers, blower Pu thoroughly, thoroughly pump multi-stage blower, low-noise-type blowers, multi-Xun Blower will be our lead.
   Products used: industrial machinery, plastic machinery, printing machinery, photographic plate, electrical equipment, medical equipment, burning machine, powder conveying, sewage treatment, textile and paper-making machinery and many other industries. The company in 2006 based on Chinese products have CE, certification, in order to Ruifeng RUIFEN best-selling brands around the world.
    RUIFEN Blower choose to make your product more market competitiveness of

Quality and integrity is the life! Several decades, we have been working hard




  • 深圳市瑞丰特电气设备有限公司 [加为商友]
  • 联系人李燕(女士) 市场销售 
  • 地区广东-深圳市
  • 地址宝安区沙井镇新桥洋仔西七巷七号

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