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供应功率型贴片电感-UPI Series

公司: 中山市三礼电子有限公司 
单 价: 面议 询价 
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2010-10-06


Lowest height and DCR in this PACkage footprint.

Shielded construction.

handles high transient current spikes without saturation.

Ultra low buzz noise, due to composite construction.

A type frequency up to 1MHz, B type frequency up to 5MHz.

RoHS compliant.

Inductance and rated current ranges:

UPIA 0603   0.1~6.8uH  32.5~4.5A

UPIB 0603   0.1~6.8uH  32.5~4.5A

UPIA 0604   0.33~10uH  25~-4.5A

UPIB 0604   0.33~10uH  25~-4.5A

UPIA 1004   0.36~8.2uH  28~5.0A

UPIB 1004   0.36~8.2uH  28~5.0A

UPIA 1005   0.36~2.2uH  35~17A

UPIB 1005   0.36~2.2uH  35~17A

UPIA 1203   0.10~6.80uH  43~9.0A

UPIB 1203   0.10~6.80uH  43~9.0A

UPIA 1205   0.36~10uH   41~7.0A

UPIB 1205   0.36~10uH   41~7.0A


Test equipments: 

L test by Wayne kerr 3260B LCR meter with

   Wayne kerr 3265B bias current source.

DCR tested by Milli-ohm meter.

Electrical specifications at 25.


I sat: The current will cause L0 to drop approximately 20% typical.

I rms: The current will cause the coil temperature rise

      approximately T=40 without core loss.

Operating temperature : -55 to 125 .


DC/DC converter for CPU in notebook PC.

Thin type on-board power supply module for exchanger.

VRM for server.

  • 中山市三礼电子有限公司 [加为商友]
  • 联系人王凡玲(女士) 其他 
  • 地区广东-中山市
  • 地址广东省中山市南朗镇第六工业区三礼电子有限公司

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