DPM-xx Power Meter series |
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The DPM-xx is a single-channel average power meter intended for mm-wave power measurements within 0.01 GHz to 220 GHz band. DPM-xx Power Meter measures absolute power in milliWatts / microWatts or dBm and it also displays set signal frequency in GHz. Easy-to-use operation is ensured by automatic zeroing, automatic recognition of connected sensor and calculation factor table stored in memory for an every sensor.
ComPACt unit case combined with precise and reliable measurement, plus inexpensive pricing makes DPM-xx Power Meter very attractive to researchers and scientists working in mm-wave labs.
Photo 1. DPM-06 Power Meter for 110-170GHz band
ZBD-series Zero-Biased Detectors (http://www.elva-1.spb.ru/products/microwave/zero-based-detectors.html) are used as power sensors. To cover 0.01 GHz to 220 GHz band, there are a coaxial (0.01-26.5 GHz) and a series of 9 waveguide power sensors (26.5-220 GHz), each of them covering Ka, Q, U, V, E, W, F, D, G sub-band.
Based on Schottky Barrier Diode, the power sensors provide high sensitivity, fast measurement speed, and quicker response to changes of input power. To extend the dynamic range of diode power sensors above their square law region, the correction factor is used. The amplitude and frequency curves for each of individually calibrated power sensor shipped with DPM-xx Power Meter are stored in its EEPROM. The typical curves for amplitude and frequency transfer characteristics for W-band are shown below.
Measured average power will be displayed on 2-line LCD screen with measuring rate of 10 times per second (or faster). For input signals with more than 10mW power, the optional power dividers must be used.
The powermeter has RS-232 port that allows PC controlling and measurement data exchange with the PC. An optional GRIB interface is also available. Upon request you can be provided with a modification of the DPM-xx power meter, that includes two independent measuring channels.
Photo 2. DPM Power Meter with sensors for W-band and D-band
One display unit can work with different sensors. In other words you can have only one display unit and set of power sensors for different frequency bands, and they will work all together. Please mind because ELVA-1 DPM Powermeter is single-channel powermeter, only one sensor can be used at each moment of time.
Note. In case you did't entered the valid actual signal frequency when measuring mm-wave power, the max error will be ?.5dB for Ka, Q, U, V bands, ?.0dB for E, W bands, and ?.5dB for F and D bands, based on flatness of calibration curves.
Mm-Wave Power Meter Key Features and Specifications
- Display readings: milliWatts / microWatt or dBm
- Measuring rate: 10 times per second or faster
- Frequency Range: 0.01 GHz to 220 GHz
- Min measured Power: 0.1 microWatt (depending on frequency band)
- Dynamic Measurement Range: 60dB (depending on frequency band)
- Frequency step: 10 MHz
- Calibration accuracy ?.02 dB (log) or ?.5%
- Power Sensor Calibration: Individually calibrated with amplitude and frequency curves at flash memory
DPM -28 |
DPM -19 |
DPM -15 |
DPM -12 |
DPM -10 |
DPM -08 |
DPM -06 |
DPM-05 |
Frequency Band and Range, GHz |
0.01-26.5 |
Ka 26.5-40 |
U 40-60 |
V 50-75 |
E 60-90 |
W 75-110 |
F 90-140 |
D 110-170 |
140-220 |
Input waveguide/impedance |
50 Ohm |
WR28 |
WR19 |
WR15 |
WR12 |
WR10 |
WR8 |
WR6 |
WR5 |
Wavequide Flange/connector |
SMA, male |
UG-599/U |
UG-383/U-M |
UG-385/U |
UG-387/U |
UG-387/U-M |
UG-387/U-M |
UG-387/U-M |
UG-387/U-M |
Dynamic range, dB (max) |
55 |
60 |
60 |
60 |
60 |
60 |
60 |
55 |
40 |
Min measured power level, dBm |
-33 |
-40 |
-40 |
-40 |
-40 |
-40 |
-40 |
-35 |
-25 |
Min measuring time, sec |
0.01 |
0.01 |
0.01 |
0.01 |
0.01 |
0.01 |
0.01 |
0.01 |
0.01 |
VSWR (power sensor) |
1.2:1 |
1.3:1 |
1.3:1 |
1.3:1 |
1.4:1 |
1.4:1 |
1.4:1 |
1.4:1 |
1.7:1 |
Power supply: 220 VAC or 100 VAC or portable version with battery powering
Experimental Diagrams for Typical Sensitivity vs. frequency and Amplitude response
for W-band power sensor
How to Order
Specify Model Number: DPM-X,
X - waveguide band (WR-Number) or C for coaxial sensor (0.01-26.5GHz)
Standard models are for min power level (default)
Higher power levels upon request
E.g. DPM-10 (W-band power meter, WR-10, 75-110GHz)
Any additional options of DPM-xx power meter non-included in standard model can be discussed. To cover wider frequency range one display unit can be supplied with a few power sensors for different frequency bands.
For portable version with battery powering please use the following mnemonics:
Specify Model Number as above: PDPM-X, where P - portable powermeter
- 俄罗斯ELVA-1毫米波公司中国总代理 [加为商友]
- 联系人张先生(先生) 总经理
- 地区安徽-滁州市
- 地址清流路288号