主要应用 Application
广泛应用于高脉冲和高峰值电流场合 Widely used in hiah pulse operation And high pesk current circuits
产品特点 Charscteristics
电介质:聚丙烯薄膜 Dielectric:Polypropylene film
结构:铝箔与金属化膜内串结构 Construction: Metal foils internal series connection And metalized film
封装:塑料外壳,阻燃(UL94V-0级)环氧封装 Costing:Resistant plastic case with resin sealin,
引出:镀锡铜线引出 Flame retardant execution (UL94V-0)
能承受很高脉冲电流,很高dv/dtESR, Terminals:Tinned copper wire leads
ESL小高稳定性,具有自愈性 Very high pulse current,Very high dv/dt LowESRandESL,Self healing
技术性能 Specifications
引用标准/Reference standards IEC 61071 60068
工作温度范围/Operating temperature range -40℃~85℃
容量范围/CsPACitance 0.0068µF~1.0µF
额定电压/Rated Voltage 600Vdc~2000Vdc
容量偏差/Tolerance ±5%,±10%
极间耐电压/Test voltage between terminals 2.0Ur(Vdc)10s 25℃±5℃
极壳耐电压/Test voltage between terminals And case 3000V 50HZ 60s,25℃±5℃
损耗角正切/Dissipation factor tgδ≤6×10-4 at25℃±5℃,1kHz
绝缘电阻/Insulation resistance C×R≥30000s, at 100Vdc,25℃±5℃,60s
预期寿命/Life expectancy 200000h at Un And 70℃
- 广东华裕电子有限公司 [加为商友]
- 联系人韩经理(女士) 经理
- 地区广东-广州市
- 地址广东省广州市天河区龙洞第三工业区E栋