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DAHMS 达姆斯温度变送器

公司: 上海梓聪机电设备有限公司 
型 号: DAHMS 达姆斯温度变送器 
单 价: 111元/ 询价 
供货总量: 11111111
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2013-04-12

DAHMS 达姆斯温度变送器

DAHMS 达姆斯温度变送器 温度变送器
产品名称: 温度变送器       规 格:       产品备注:       产品类别:DAHMS(达姆斯)
 DAHMS 达姆斯温度变送器   产 品 说 明

Ultra Electronics, NSPI offers a full selection of economical, head mount and DIN-rail temperature transmitters. Available certifications include FM, CSA, ATEX and Germanischer Lloyd (marine approval).

The Ease and Simplicity of PC Programming

Our PC programmable transmitters offer you extreme flexibility and help to control costs with the ability to stock one device and program it for your needs. Regardless of your choice, Ultra Electronics, NSPI temperature transmitters can be configured quickly and easily with a PC.

HART Transmitters Add Value to your Process

The combination of a 4-20mA output signal together with digital communication simplifies plant engineering. The advanced diagnostics of Ultra Electronics, NSPI HART temperature transmitters reduces maintenance trips to the field. Also, your Ultra Electronics, NSPI HART transmitter can be easily integrated with the exiting field instrumentation in your plant.

Features of Ultra Electronics, NSPI Temperature Transmitters

Low cost 0.08% accuracy Full input-output isolation Custom input/linearization capability Configurable via a PC or HART Communicator T/C Inputs: B, C, D, R, S, E, J, K, L, N, T, U RTD inputs: Pt100, Pt500, Pt1000, Ni100, Ni500, Ni1000 mV Inputs: -10 to 75mV Ohm Inputs: 10 to 2000 ohms Outputs: 2-wire, 4-20mA or 20-4mA with optional HART signal superimposed  Immediate shipment available!
上海梓聪机电温控器销售中心! 请加QQ:2355338861 电话:18917550265 热线电话:021-39190772王军销售工程师我们的优势:优势I:公司秉承“高质量产品、高效率服务、高品质信誉”的宗旨 
产品名称: 温度变送器       规 格:       产品备注:       产品类别:DAHMS(达姆斯)
   产 品 说 明

Ultra Electronics, NSPI offers a full selection of economical, head mount and DIN-rail temperature transmitters. Available certifications include FM, CSA, ATEX and Germanischer Lloyd (marine approval).

The Ease and Simplicity of PC Programming

Our PC programmable transmitters offer you extreme flexibility and help to control costs with the ability to stock one device and program it for your needs. Regardless of your choice, Ultra Electronics, NSPI temperature transmitters can be configured quickly and easily with a PC.

HART Transmitters Add Value to your Process

The combination of a 4-20mA output signal together with digital communication simplifies plant engineering. The advanced diagnostics of Ultra Electronics, NSPI HART temperature transmitters reduces maintenance trips to the field. Also, your Ultra Electronics, NSPI HART transmitter can be easily integrated with the exiting field instrumentation in your plant.

Features of Ultra Electronics, NSPI Temperature Transmitters

Low cost 0.08% accuracy Full input-output isolation Custom input/linearization capability Configurable via a PC or HART Communicator T/C Inputs: B, C, D, R, S, E, J, K, L, N, T, U RTD inputs: Pt100, Pt500, Pt1000, Ni100, Ni500, Ni1000 mV Inputs: -10 to 75mV Ohm Inputs: 10 to 2000 ohms Outputs: 2-wire, 4-20mA or 20-4mA with optional HART signal superimposed  Immediate shipment available!


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