N1966A 脉冲/IO 适配器 for PNA-X
The Agilent N1966A pulse I/O adapter converts 15-pin D-sub pulse I/O on the PNA-X’s rear panel to the coaxial SMB male connectors for better connectivity. It contains input to receiver IF gates (for one reference and four test receivers), output from each of four internal pulse generators, RF signal pulse modulation drive input, and trigger input for the internal pulse generator timing.
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- 东莞市精申电子设备有限公司 [加为商友]
- 联系人曹升(先生) 销售部经理
- 地区广东-东莞市
- 地址东莞市樟木头笔架山路124号
- 手持示波器FLUKE199C、FLUKE1550B、FKUKE289、FLUKE268万用表、
- 万用表校准仪Fluke5520A
- 手持万用表Fluke187/189、Fluke45、福禄克Fluke187/189/726
- Agilent3458A万用表、8位半万用表Agilent3458A
- 安捷伦万用表34401A、 HP3458A、Agilent3458A、FLUKE45
- Agilent 34401A、安捷伦台式万用表Agilent34401A 、Agilent3458A
- Fluke45 、福禄克45万用表、Agilent34401A、Agilent3458A
- 多产品校准仪FLUKE5500A / 万用表校准仪FLUKE5500A