U4305A-021 Protocol Test Card 3.0
PCIe 3.0 link transaction compliance measurement tool
- Design to the requirements of the PCI-SIG® Includes PCIe 2.0 and PCIe 3.0 protocol test cases Supports PCIe 2.5Gb/s, 5Gb/s and 8Gb/s speeds Requires only x1 lane width U4305A hardware PTC3 software can be used on x4, x8, & x16 lane width U4305A Requires N5316A Test Backplane to run IHV adaptor card tests
Operating range is 0 °C to +55 °C
The U4305A-021 Protocol Test Card is an Agilent third generation PCIe 3.0 link transaction compliance test tool. Designed to the requirements of the PCI-SIG®, the industry organization chartered to develop and manage the PCI Express standard, the PTC3 will provide the Independent Hardware Vendor (IHV) and Independent BIOS Vendor (IBV) with link transaction test results designed to maximize interoperability and conform to current PCIe 3.0 industry protocol specification.
Although the test cases are designed to operate at x1 lane width U4305A, the PTC3 software can be licensed to operate on the x4, x8, & x16 lane width U4305A Exerciser hardware. The U4305A-021 test suite includes both the PCIe 2.0 and PCIe 3.0 protocol test cases.
As a means to provide a connection between the PTC3 and an adaptor card DUT, the U4305A-021 requires an N5316A Test Backplane. The Test Backplane also provides power and a clock source to the DUT. The PTC 3.0 supports PCI Express 2.5Gb/s, 5Gb/s and 8Gb/s speeds and its operating range is 0 °C to +55 °C.
公司联系方式- 东莞市精申电子设备有限公司 [加为商友]
- 联系人曹升(先生) 销售部经理
- 地区广东-东莞市
- 地址东莞市樟木头笔架山路124号
- 东莞市精申电子设备有限公司 [加为商友]
安捷伦万用表34401A、 HP3458A、Agilent3458A、FLUKE45
Agilent 34401A、安捷伦台式万用表Agilent34401A 、Agilent3458A
Fluke45 、福禄克45万用表、Agilent34401A、Agilent3458A
多产品校准仪FLUKE5500A / 万用表校准仪FLUKE5500A