E4419B-001 EPM Series Dual-Channel Power Meter Option 001
The battery option (001) allows the E4419B power meter to be used in operating environments where there is no convenient access to an ac power source. With the battery option installed and the power meter connected to an ac power source, the meter operates from the ac source and the battery runs in a controlled charge mode.
If the meter is power-up under battery power, or if the ac power is lost while connected to an ac source, a pop-up window displays the message "Running Under Battery Power".
Battery option 001 Operational Characteristics 1
The following information describes characteristic performance based at a temperature of 25oC unless otherwise stated.
1 Characteristics describe product performance that is useful in the application of the product, but is not covered by the product warranty.
- 东莞市精申电子设备有限公司 [加为商友]
- 联系人曹升(先生) 销售部经理
- 地区广东-东莞市
- 地址东莞市樟木头笔架山路124号
安捷伦万用表34401A、 HP3458A、Agilent3458A、FLUKE45
Agilent 34401A、安捷伦台式万用表Agilent34401A 、Agilent3458A
Fluke45 、福禄克45万用表、Agilent34401A、Agilent3458A
多产品校准仪FLUKE5500A / 万用表校准仪FLUKE5500A