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公司: 北京瑞科达快速成型科技有限公司 
规 格:
单 价: 1元/ 询价 
供货总量: 1
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2010-10-06

Technical Data BC 570 Standard



Controller  Siemens 840 D with PC integrated in mobile panel


Routing spindle  HSK F 63, water-cooled, power max. 16 kW

infinitely variable speed regulation up to 24,000 rpm,

power max. 20 kW optional 20KW

Working Unit  universal robot unit with Z axis, A 540°, B +/- 98°,

A/B mounted at an angle of 50°, sector-specific design optional

Axis drives  X axis toothed rack

Y axis toothed rack

Z axis recirculating ball screw

Machine table  cast-iron top table with T slots in plane surface,

Special solutions also for automatic loading of workpieces

Safety guard  safety guard with sliding doors at the front

Working area in 5-axis operation

Condition  tool dia. 160 mm, total tool length 160 mm

X = 3,000 mm, Y = 3,000, Z = 1,250 mm

Optional  X = 4,800 mm, Y up to 50,000 mm, Z = 1,850 mm

Travel speeds  X = 45 m/min, Y = 45 m/min, Z = 24 m/min, A/B = 10,000 °/min

Travel dynamics

Acceleration X, Y, Z  in idle running 2 m/sec2, travel speed 1,5 m/sec2

Tool changer  chain-type tool magazine with 12 tool places (standard) or optionally 16,

Data  24, 32 tool places;

      dia. 160 mm, total length 160 mm (max. dia. 90 mm with 24, 32 places)

tool weight max. 6 kg

a saw blade with a dia. of max. 350 mm,

pick-up tool place for saw blade dia. 450 mm

Installation details

Machine weight  depending on the corresponding special solution

Required sPACe  depending on the corresponding special solution
  • 北京瑞科达快速成型科技有限公司 [加为商友]
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  • 地区北京
  • 地址朝阳区延静里凯泰大厦

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