发布信息当前位置: 首页 » 供应 » 电子/通信测量 » 其他相关附件 » 其他附件 » 防爆压力传感器RSCA


公司: 北京诺信天正科技有限公司 
型 号: RSCA-HBM传感器 
单 价: 面议 询价 
供货总量: 99999
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2013-03-24
贸易秤用称重传感器,量程 550 kg 到 1.76 t.The BLC load cell is a legal for trade load cell with maximum caPACities from 550 kg up to 1.76 t.


The BLC load cell is a legal for trade load cell with maximum capacities from 550 kg up to 1.76 t. This load cell type provides an accuracy of D1 and C3 (OIML). Its robust design (IP67) and the noise insensitive 6-wire technique of the load cell make it fit for use in many different applications such as platform scales, conveyor scales and weighing modules for tank weighing.


Small dimensions Stainless steel Meets EMC standards (EN 45 501) Complies with OIML R60 regulations up to 3000 d Protection class IP 67
Nominal load 550 kg ... 1.76 t
Accuracy class D1, C3
Material stainless steel


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