发布信息当前位置: 首页 » 供应 » 质检/分析实验 » 实验室装置 » 供应photron氘灯、元素灯、石墨管


公司: 北京明尼克分析仪器设备中心 
型 号: 各种型号 
单 价: 面议 询价 
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2013-03-14

P305 63-100011-00 Plateau tube, coated
P307 63-100014-00 Plateau tube, uncoated
P311 63-100013-00 Bone platform, pyrolytic graphite(for use in plateau tubes) 10
P306 63-100012-00 Partition tube, coated
P308 63-100015-00 Partition tube, uncoated
P306HP 63-100012-HP Partition tube, coated (HP)
P306EL 63-100012-EL Partition tube, coated (EL)
P313 63-100018-00 Shroud
P312 63-100016-00 Electrode
P315 63-100019-00 Zeemann Shroud
P314 63-100017-00 Zeemann Electrode

P351 200-54525 Standardtube, coated (60° cone)
P352 200-54520 Standardtube, uncoated (60° cone)
P353 200-54525 (old) Standardtube with 5 holes, coated (60° cone)
P354 200-54520 (old) Standardtube with 5 holes, uncoated (60° cone)
P355 206-82541 Tube with built-in platform, coated (60° cone)
P356 206-69984-02 Tube for extented injection volume, coated (60° cone)
P357 206-80153-03 Tube for extented injection volume, uncoated (60° cone)
P358 206-80165 left Electrode (60° cone)
P359 206-80164 right Electrode (60° cone)
P360 206-50588 Standardtube, coated (90° cone)
P361 206-50587 Standardtube, uncoated (90° cone)
P363 206-50602 left Electrode with housing (90° cone)
P364 206-50603 right Electrode (90° cone)





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  • 地区北京
  • 地址北京市朝阳区望京西园222号星源国际D-1503室

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