加工定制:是 | 品牌:Yutsai | 型号:JY |
类型:冷热冲击试验机 |
特点: | |
1. | 可独立设定高温,低温及冷热冲击条件时三种不同条件之功能。 |
2. | 执行冷热冲击条件时,,可选择2 Zone或3 Zone之功能。 |
3. | 具备全自动,高精度系统回路,任一机件动作,完全由P.L.C锁定处理 |
结构: 本设备分为高温区,低温区,测试区二部份,采独特之断热结构及蓄冷效果,应用冷热风路切换方式导入试个中,做冷热冲击测试。 | |
1.Functions available to set up three different conditions respectively for the test at high temperature, low temperature andthermal shock.
2.Function of 2-Zone or 3-Zone is selectable when performing the conditions of thermal shock.
3.Equipped with fully automatic and high-precision system circuit, for any actuation of desired machine parts is actuated,P.L.C. will lock it and take care of it thoroughly.
The equipment is divided into two test areas: High-temperature area and Low-temperature area, while the thermally insulated structure and thermal-storage effect are uniquely incorporated. Changeover approach of hot & cold air ducts is introduced to the test as thermal shock test.
- 成都市捷耀电子设备有限公司 [加为商友]
- 联系人张生荣(先生) 总经理
- 地区四川-成都市
- 地址中国 四川 成都市 成都市武候区簇桥龙井东路