BS601:日本安罗20M,Y轴灵敏度:5mv/div-20v/div,X轴扫速:0.2us-0.5s/div,有X5扩展,示波管为15cm方屏内刻度。外形尺寸:294(B)X162(高)X352(长)mm,重约:7kg, 220v/19w. BS601 This model is a dual trace 20MHz oscilloscope using high brightneSS CRT. The vertical amplifiers have high sensniVity Of 5mv/DIV and the frequency charactedstic response with the smooth rollOff exceeding 20MHz.The highest triggering sweep speed is 0.2usec/DIV. FEATURES 1)Component Tester 2)Wide bandwidth & high sensniVity 3)Very lOW power consumptiOn 4)High sensitiVity X-Y mode 5)Z axis(intensity modulatiOn) 6)TV VIDEO SYNC Filter 7)High frequency rejection filter in the trigger circuit 8)Front panel electriCal trace rotator 9)RegUlated power supply CirCuit fOr accuracy COMPONENT TESTER is the spedal circult with which a single component or components in or out Of actual circuit board can be easily tested requiring no power tO ddve the circuit. The display shOWS FAULTS Ofcomponents,size Ofa component value,and characteristics Ofcomponents,and half-dead componentS under a dynamic test. SECTION 2 SPECIFICATIONS VERTICAL DEFLECTION DenectiOn Factor 5mV(O 20V/DIV on 12 ranges in l-2-5step with fine control. Bandwidth DC:DC to 20MHz(-3dB) AC:10Hz tO 20MHz(-3dB) RiSeUme Less than 17.5nsec Oversh00t LeSSthan 3% Input lmpedance 1Mn shunted by 20pF±3pF(Maximput:600Vp-por300VDC+ACpeak) , Operating Modes Ch-A,CH-B,DUALand ADD / ChOp Frequency 200kHZ approx. ; Channel SeparatiOn Better than 60dB at 1kHZ CH-B P0larity CH-B Can be inverted TIME BASE lype Automatic and triggered.In automatic mode,sweepis Obtained without input signal. SweepTime 0.2psec t0 0.5sec/DIV on 20 ranges in l—2-5step with fine control andX-y Magniner X5 at all ranges Linearity Less than 3% TRIGCERINC SensitiVity INT:1 DIV or more EXT:1 Vp-p or more Source INT,CH-B,LINE or EXT Triggering Level POsitive and Negative,continuously variable level control Pull fOr AUTO Range 20Hz tO 20MHZ or more Sync AC,HF Rej,TV(each+or一) At TV Sync TV-H(Line)and TV-V(Frame)sync are switched automaticlly by SWEEP TIME/DIV SWitch. TV-V:0.5sec/DIV t0 0。1mSec/DIV TV,H:50usec/DIV to 0.2usec/DIV HORIZONTAL DEFLECTION Denecuon FactOr 5mV tO 20V/DIV on 12 ranses in l-2-5 step with fine control. Frequency Response DC t0 1MHz(-3dB) Input lnpedance 1Mn shouted by 20pF±3pF Max lnput Voltage 300V DC+AC peak or 600Vp-p X-Y Operation X-Y mode is selected by SWEEP TIME/DIV switch CH-A:Y axis CH.B:Xaxis htensity MOdulalion Z Axjs:TTI LeVel(3Vp-p~50V)+bdght,一dark. OTHER SPECIFICATIONS CRTI-IV 2kV CalibraUon Voltage 0.5Vp-p±5%,1kHz Square Wave Power Requrements AC:100V/120V/220/V240v/,50/60H2,19W Weight 7kg appfOX. DimensiOns 162(H)X 294(W)X 352(D)mm |