我司进口仪器直接由香港公司提供,价格有绝对优势!品种齐全!欢迎各经销商洽谈! 联系人:徐生 13138305679 Analog mode:
| Basic data and functions, seeHM1000 |
Digital mode:
| Two Channels | | 1 GSa/s Real Time Sampling, 10 GSa/s Random Sampling | | 8-Bit Low Noise Flash A/D Converters | | Pre-/Post-Trigger -100 % to +400% | | Time Base 50 s/cm – 5 ns/cm | | 1 MPts memory per channel allows zoom up to 50,000:1 | | Acquisition modes: Single Event, Refresh, Average, Envelope, Roll, Peak-Detect | | RS-232 Interface, optional: RS-232/USB, IEEE-488, Ethernet | | Signal display: Yt and XY; Interpolation: Sinx/x, Pulse, Dot Join (linear) |