Si - pin - photodiodes for fiber communications
High speed Si-photodiodes
Avalanche Si-photodiode
Threshold Ge- photodiode
Multi element Gray CODe Si and Ge-photodiodes
Photodetective assembly based on Si-photodiode
8-element photodetective assembly based on Si-pin-photodiodes
Avalanche Ge-Photodiode for fiber communications
Photodetective assembly based on Si-pin-photodiode
InGaAs-photodiode for fiber communications
Photodetective assemblies based on InGaAs-pin-hotodiodes
Uncooled high-speed photodetective assembly-based on InGaAs/InP
Photodetective assembly for ultra-violet range based on GaP
Single element uncooled PbSe-photoconductive detectors
Single element uncooled PbS-photoconductive detectors
PbSe-photoconductive detectors with TE-cooling
Photodetective assembly based on PbSe-photoconductive detectors with two-stageTE-cooler
PbS and PbSe-photoconductive detectors
Focal plane arrays based on InSb-photovoltaic detectors
TDI-focal plane arrays based on CdHgTe-photodiodes
TDI-focal plane arrays based on CdHgTe-photovoltaic detectors
Focal plane arrays based on CdHgTe-photovoltaic detectors
Focal plane arrays on CdHgTe and InSb photovoltaic detectors with inte oral Stirlin o cooler
Uncooled focal plane array (bolometer)
2-channel preamplifier (integrated circuit)
8-channel low noise preamplifier
Lon-beam sources
Electron-beam gun
Electron-beam precision equipment
Ion-beam treatment equipment
- 西安聚星光电技术有限公司 [加为商友]
- 联系人王小姐(女士) 技术研发
- 地区陕西-西安市
- 地址西安市科技路10号华奥大厦B座1203室