类型:数字示波器 | 品牌:LeCroy 力科 | 型号:WaveSurfer 62Xs-A |
通道数:2 | 显示模式:WINDOWS LCD显示 | 最大输入:400(V) |
量程:10(V/div) | 电源电压:220(V) | 外形尺寸:260*340*152(mm) |
重量:7.3(kg) |
WaveSurfer 104Xs-A WaveSurfer 64Xs-A WaveSurfer 62Xs-A WaveSurfer 44Xs-A WaveSurfer 42Xs-A WaveSurfer 24Xs-A
Main Specifications | |||||||
Model | WaveSurfer 104Xs-A | WaveSurfer 64Xs-A | WaveSurfer 62Xs-A | WaveSurfer 44Xs-A | WaveSurfer 42Xs-A | WaveSurfer 24Xs-A | |
Bandwidth | 1 GHz | 600MHZ | 600MHZ | 400MHZ | 400MHZ | 200MHZ | |
Rise Time | 300 ps | 500ps | 500ps | 875ps | 875ps | 1.75 ns | |
Input Channels | 4 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 2 | 4 | |
Display | 10.4" Color flat-panel TFT-LCD, 800 x 600 SVGA, touch screen | ||||||
Sample Rate (single-shot) | 2.5 GS/s ( 5GS/s Interleaved ) | 2.5 GS/s | 2.5 GS/s | 2.5 GS/s | 2.5 GS/s | 2.5 GS/s | |
Sample Rate (RIS) | 50 GS/s | ||||||
Standard Record Length | 5 Mpts/Ch (all channels) | ||||||
Standard Capture Time | Up to 4 ms at full sample rate on all four channels | ||||||
Vertical Resolution | 8-bits | ||||||
Vertical Sensitivity | 2 mV/div?0 V/div (1 MΩ); 2 mV/div? V/div (50 Ω) | ||||||
Vertical (DC) Gain Accuracy | ?.0% of full scale (typical); ?.5% of full scale = 10 mV/div (warranted) | ||||||
BW Limiting Filters | 20 MHz, 200 MHz | ||||||
Maximum Input Voltage | 50 Ω: 5 Vrms 1 MΩ: 250 V max. (DC + Peak AC = 10 kHz) | ||||||
Input Coupling | AC, DC, GND (DC and GND for 50 Ω) | ||||||
Input Impedance | 1 MΩ || 20 pF, or 50 Ω | ||||||
Probing System | BNC or ProBus | ||||||
Probes | One PP011 (5 mm) per channel (standard) | ||||||
Time Base Range | 200 ps/div?000 s/div (roll mode from 500 ms/div?000 s/div) | ||||||
Time Base Accuracy | ? 5 ppm @ 25 蚓 (typical) (? 10 ppm @ 5?0 蚓) | ||||||
Triggering System | |||||||
Trigger Modes | Normal, Auto, Single, and Stop | ||||||
Trigger Sources | Any input channel, External, Ext/10, or line; slope and level unique to each source (except for line trigger) | ||||||
Coupling | DC, AC, HFRej, LFRej | ||||||
Pre-trigger Delay | 0?00% of full scale | ||||||
Post-trigger Delay | 0?0,000 divisions | ||||||
Hold-off by Time or Events | 1 ns to 20 s or 1 to 1,000,000,000 events | ||||||
Internal Trigger Range | ?.1 div from center | ||||||
External Trigger Input Range | EXT/10 ?V; EXT ?00 mV | ||||||
Standard | Edge, Glitch, Width, Logic (Pattern), TV (NTSC, PAL, SECAM, HDTV ?720p, 1080i, 1080p), Runt, Slew Rate, Interval (Signal or Pattern), Dropout, Qualified (State or Edge) | ||||||
Measure, Zoom, Math, and Replay | |||||||
Standard Parameter Measurements | Up to 6 of the following parameters can be calculated at one time on any waveform: Amplitude, Area, Base (Low), Delay, Duty, Fall Time (90%-10%), Fall Time (80%-20%), Frequency, Maximum, Mean, Minimum, 胝vershoot+, Overshoot-, Period, Peak-Peak, Phase, Ri | ||||||
Zoom | Use front panel QuickZoom button, or use touch screen or mouse to draw a box around the zoom area. | ||||||
Math | Operators include Sum, Difference, Product, Ratio, and FFT (up to 25 kpts with power spectrum output and rectangular, VonHann, and FlatTop windows). 1 math function may be defined at a time. | ||||||
Options | |||||||
Advanced (WS Xs-ADVTRIG) | Runt, Slew Rate, Interval (Signal or Pattern), Dropout, Qualified (State or Edge) | ||||||
Extended Math (WSXs-MATHSURF Option) | Adds the following additional math functions: Absolute Value, Averaging (summed and continuous), Derivative, Envelope, Enhanced Resolution (to 11- bits), Floor, Integral, Invert, Reciprocal, Roof, Square, and Square Root. Also adds chaining of two math fu | ||||||
Physical Dimensions | |||||||
Dimensions (HWD) | 260 mm x 340 mm x 152 mm Excluding accessories and projections (10.25" x 13.4" x 6") | ||||||
Net Weight | 7.26 kg. (16.0 lbs.) |
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