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销售维修LeCroy WaveSurfer104Xs-A 1GHz数字示波器

公司: 东莞市力高大同自动化设备有限公司 
品 牌: LeCroy 力科
型 号: WaveSurfer 104Xs-A 
单 价: 面议 询价 
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2013-01-16
类型:数字示波器品牌:LeCroy 力科型号:WaveSurfer 104Xs-A
通道数:4显示模式:WIDOWS LCD最大输入:400(V)
量程:10(V/div) 电源电压:220(V) 外形尺寸:260*340*152(mm)

WaveSurfer 104Xs-A WaveSurfer 64Xs-A WaveSurfer 62Xs-A WaveSurfer 44Xs-A WaveSurfer 42Xs-A WaveSurfer 24Xs-A

Main Specifications
WaveSurfer 104Xs-A
WaveSurfer 64Xs-AWaveSurfer 62Xs-AWaveSurfer 44Xs-AWaveSurfer 42Xs-AWaveSurfer 24Xs-A
1 GHz
Rise Time
300 ps
500ps500ps875ps875ps1.75 ns
Input Channels
10.4" Color flat-panel TFT-LCD, 800 x 600 SVGA, touch screen
Sample Rate (single-shot)
2.5 GS/s ( 5GS/s Interleaved )
2.5 GS/s2.5 GS/s2.5 GS/s2.5 GS/s2.5 GS/s
Sample Rate (RIS)
50 GS/s
Standard Record Length
5 Mpts/Ch (all channels)
Standard Capture Time
Up to 4 ms at full sample rate on all four channels
Vertical Resolution
Vertical Sensitivity
2 mV/div?0 V/div (1 MΩ); 2 mV/div? V/div (50 Ω)
Vertical (DC) Gain Accuracy
?.0% of full scale (typical); ?.5% of full scale = 10 mV/div (warranted)
BW Limiting Filters
20 MHz, 200 MHz
Maximum Input Voltage
50 Ω: 5 Vrms
1 MΩ: 250 V max.
(DC + Peak AC = 10 kHz)
Input Coupling
AC, DC, GND (DC and GND for 50 Ω)
Input Impedance
1 MΩ || 20 pF, or 50 Ω
Probing System
BNC or ProBus
One PP011 (5 mm) per channel (standard)
Time Base Range
200 ps/div?000 s/div (roll mode from 500 ms/div?000 s/div)
Time Base Accuracy
? 5 ppm @ 25 蚓 (typical) (? 10 ppm @ 5?0 蚓)

Triggering System
Trigger Modes
Normal, Auto, Single, and Stop
Trigger Sources
Any input channel, External, Ext/10, or line; slope and level unique to each source (except for line trigger)
DC, AC, HFRej, LFRej
Pre-trigger Delay
0?00% of full scale
Post-trigger Delay
0?0,000 divisions
Hold-off by Time or Events
1 ns to 20 s or 1 to 1,000,000,000 events
Internal Trigger Range
?.1 div from center
External Trigger Input Range
EXT/10 ?V; EXT ?00 mV
Edge, Glitch, Width, Logic (Pattern), TV (NTSC, PAL, SECAM, HDTV ?720p, 1080i, 1080p), Runt, Slew Rate, Interval (Signal or Pattern), Dropout, Qualified (State or Edge)

Measure, Zoom, Math, and Replay
Standard Parameter Measurements
Up to 6 of the following parameters can be calculated at one time on any waveform: Amplitude, Area, Base (Low), Delay, Duty, Fall Time (90%-10%), Fall Time (80%-20%), Frequency, Maximum, Mean, Minimum, 胝vershoot+, Overshoot-, Period, Peak-Peak, Phase, Ri
Use front panel QuickZoom button, or use touch screen or mouse to draw a box around the zoom area.
Operators include Sum, Difference, Product, Ratio, and FFT (up to 25 kpts with power spectrum output and rectangular, VonHann, and FlatTop windows). 1 math function may be defined at a time.

Advanced (WS Xs-ADVTRIG)
Runt, Slew Rate, Interval (Signal or Pattern), Dropout, Qualified (State or Edge)
Extended Math (WSXs-MATHSURF Option)
Adds the following additional math functions: Absolute Value, Averaging (summed and continuous), Derivative, Envelope, Enhanced Resolution (to 11- bits), Floor, Integral, Invert, Reciprocal, Roof, Square, and Square Root. Also adds chaining of two math fu

Physical Dimensions
Dimensions (HWD)
260 mm x 340 mm x 152 mm Excluding accessories and projections (10.25" x 13.4" x 6")
Net Weight
7.26 kg. (16.0 lbs.)

  • 东莞市力高大同自动化设备有限公司 [加为商友]
  • 联系人陈从英(女士)  
  • 地区广东-东莞市
  • 地址中国 广东 东莞市 东莞市南城区簪花路华凯活力中心408室

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