发布信息当前位置: 首页 » 供应 » 电子/通信测量 » 示波器 » 日本利达100兆双踪模拟示波器LBO-518


公司: 北京迅捷飞亚科贸有限公司 
品 牌: 日本利达
型 号: LBO-518 
单 价: 800元/台 询价 
最小起订量: 1 台   
供货总量: 1 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2013-01-16

模拟示波器 LBO-518

100MHz/1mv/2ns/双踪 双时基扫描

厂家: 日本利达

尺寸: 30×15×40 cm

重量: 10kg


The LBO-518 is a 100 MHz oscilloscope with all of the features normally found on a lab-grade scope:Stable operation, dual timebase with sweep delay,flexible triggering facilities, and a bright CRT dis-play with internal graticule. Moreover, it also has aflat rectangular face, a feature found on few scopesin any price class: it can simultaneously display upto eight traces from four different input signals.In addition to the two vertical input channels, thesignals used to externally trigger the main and de-layed timebases can appear on the CRT display.The alternate sweep mode, which allows the inputsignal to be simultaneously displayed by both themain time base and the delayed timebase, effectively doubles this four-trace display to an eighttrace display.The comprehensive triggering capability of theLBO-51 8 includes several features that case theproblem of triggering on complex signals; a varietyof frequency-selective coupling filters, a triggerholdoff control, and trigger pickoff that alternatesbetween the two vertical channels! Furthermore,the signal providing trigger to the main timebasecan be immediately identified and displayed bypressing a pushbutton.

模拟示波器 LBO-518

100MHz/1mv/2ns/双踪 双时基扫描

厂家: 日本利达

尺寸: 30×15×40 cm

重量: 10kg


The LBO-518 is a 100 MHz oscilloscope with all of the features normally found on a lab-grade scope:Stable operation, dual timebase with sweep delay,flexible triggering facilities, and a bright CRT dis-play with internal graticule. Moreover, it also has aflat rectangular face, a feature found on few scopesin any price class: it can simultaneously display upto eight traces from four different input signals.In addition to the two vertical input channels, thesignals used to externally trigger the main and de-layed timebases can appear on the CRT display.The alternate sweep mode, which allows the inputsignal to be simultaneously displayed by both themain time base and the delayed timebase, effectively doubles this four-trace display to an eighttrace display.The comprehensive triggering capability of theLBO-51 8 includes several features that case theproblem of triggering on complex signals; a varietyof frequency-selective coupling filters, a triggerholdoff control, and trigger pickoff that alternatesbetween the two vertical channels! Furthermore,the signal providing trigger to the main timebasecan be immediately identified and displayed bypressing a pushbutton.

  • 北京迅捷飞亚科贸有限公司 [加为商友]
  • 联系人张利芳(女士) 经理 
  • 地区北京
  • 地址中国 北京市 海淀区清河新城2号楼2单元1704

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