发布信息当前位置: 首页 » 供应 » 电子/通信测量 » 示波器 » 【厂价代理台湾固纬】GDS-3252/GDS3254数字存储示波器


公司: 深圳市深东金仪器有限公司 
品 牌: Gwinstek/固纬
型 号: GDS-3254 
单 价: 9650元/台 询价 
供货总量: 10 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2013-01-16
通道数:4带宽:200(MHz) 采样率:1(GS/s)
记录长度:4(k) 波形捕获率:0.3(wfms/s) 外形尺寸:326*76*32(mm)
重量:5(kg) 是否提供加工定制:否

* 全系列 频宽覆盖350MHz范围, 提供2/4输入通道,
* 双取样模式: 5GSa/s实时取样率及100GSa/s等效取样率
* 强大的VPO讯号处理技术,快速洞察异常讯号
* 8英吋800*600高分辨率大尺寸画面, 能更舒适的检视复杂讯号的细节
* 独特的分割窗口功能,能同时独立触发及独立显示四个信道的波形讯号
* 弹性的GW App应用软件平台, 软件扩充/ 升级更容易
* 可选择50Ω/75Ω/1MΩ三种不同的输入阻抗
* 可选配功率量测软件以进行电源质量测试与分析
* 可选配串行总线的触发、译码功能.软件可支持I2C, SPI以及UART

Input Channels2Ch+EXT4Ch+EXT2Ch+EXT4Ch+EXT2Ch+EXT4Ch+EXT
Rise Time2.3ns1.4ns1ns
Vertical Resolution8 bits
Vertical Resolution@ 1MΩ2mV~5V/div
Vertical Resolution@ 50/75Ω2mV~1V/div
Input CouplingAC, DC, GND
Input Impedance1MΩ// 16pF
DC Gain Accuracy±(3% X |reading| + 0.1div+ 1mV)
PolarityNormal and inverted
Maximum Input Impedance@1MΩ300V (DC+AC peak), CAT I
Maximum Input Impedance@50/75Ω5 Vrms ,CAT I
OffsetPositionRange2mV/div ~ 100mV/div: ±0.5V
200mV/div ~ 5V/div: ±25V
Bandwidth Limit20MHz (-3dB)100MHz (-3dB)200MHz (-3dB)
Waveform Signal ProcessingAddition, Subtraction, multiplication, division, FFT, FFTrms
SourceDual channel: CH1, CH2, Line, Ext ; 4 channel: CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4, Line, Ext
Trigger ModeAuto(Auto (supports Roll Mode for 100 ms/div and slower), Normal, Single
Trigger TypeEdge, Pulse Width, Video, Runt, Rise & Fall, Alternative, Event-Delay (1~65,535) events, Time-Delay(10nS~10S), I2C, SPI, UART
CouplingAC, DC, LF rej, HF rej, Noise rej
SensitivityDC~50MHz approx. 1div or 1.0mV
50MHz~150MHzapprox. 1.5div or 15mV
150MHz~350MHz approx. 2div or 20mV
EXT Trigger
SensitivityDC~150MHz pprox.100mV
150MHz~250MHz approx. 150mV
250MHz~350MHz approx. 150mV
Input Impedance1MΩ±3%, ~16pF
Range1ns/div~100s/div (1-2-5steps); ROLL: 100ms/div~100s/div
Pre-Trigger10div maximum
Accuracy±20 ppm over any ≧1 ms time interval
Signal Acquisition System
Real Time Sample Rate2.5GSa/s5GSa/s2.5GSa/s5GSa/s5GSa/s5GSa/s
Equivalent Time Sample Rate100GSa/s maximum for all models
Record Length25k points
Acquisition ModeNormal, Average, Peak Detect, High resolution, Single
Normal: Acquire sampled values
Average: From 2 to 256 waveforms included in average
Peak Detect: Catches glitches as narrow as 2ns at all sweep speeds
Hi Res: Real-time boxcar averaging reduces random noise and increases vertical resolution
X-Y Mode
X-axis inputChannel1;Channel3
Y-axis inputChannel2;Channel4
Phase Shift±3° at 100kHz
Cursors and Measurement
CursorsAmplitude, Time, Gating available
Automatic Measurement28 sets: Vpp, Vamp, Vavg, Vrms, Vhi, Vlo, Vmax, Vmin, Rise Preshoot/ Overshoot, Fall Preshoot/Overshoot, Freq, Period, Rise Time, Fall Time, Positive Width, Negative Width, Duty Cycle, Phase, eight different delay measurements (FRR, FRF, FFR, FFF, LRR, LRF, LFR, LFF)
Cursors Measurement?V,?T
Auto Counter6digits, range from 2Hz minimum to the rated bandwidth
Power Measurements (optional)
Power Quality MeasurementsVRMS, V Crest Factor, Frequency, IRMS, I Crest Factor, True Power, Apparent Power, Reactive Power, Power Factor, Phase Angle.
HarmonicsFreq, Mag, Mag rms, Phase, THD-F, THD-R, RMS
Ripple MeasurementsVripple, Iripple
In-rush CurrentFirst peak, second peak
Control Panel Functions
AutosetSingle-button, automatic setup of all channels for vertical, horizontal and trigger systems,with undo autoset
Auto-RangeAllows users to quickly move from test point to test point without having to reset the oscilloscope for each test point
Save Setup20 sets
Save Waveform24 sets
Display System
TFT LCD8" TFT LCD SVGA color display (LED backlight)
Display Resolution800 horizontal × 600 vertical (SVGA)
InterpolationSin(x)/x and equivalent time sampling
Waveform DisplayDots, Vectors, Variable persistence, infinite persistence
Display Graticule8 x 10 divisions
Display BrightnessAdjustable
RS-232C portDB-9port
USBport2 sets USB 2.0 high-speed host port; 1setUSB 2.0 high speed device port
VGAVideoPortDB-15port,SVGA monitor output
Line Output3.5mm stereo output jack for Go/NoGo audio alarm
GPIB(Optional)USB to GPIBconverter
Go/NoGo BNCMaximum5V /10mA TTLopen collector ouput
Kensington Style LockRear panel security slot connects to standardKensingtonstyle lock
Power Source
LineVoltageRangeAC100V ~ 240V, 48Hz ~ 63Hz, Auto selection
Multi-language MenuAvailable
On-line HelpAvailable
Time clockTime and Data ,Provide the Data/Time for saved data
Dimensions and Weight400(W) x 200(H) x 130(D), approx. 4 kg.

  • 深圳市深东金仪器有限公司 [加为商友]
  • 联系人罗小辉(先生)  
  • 地区广东-深圳市
  • 地址中国 广东 深圳市福田区 深圳市福田区华强广场2楼Q2C037

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