发布信息当前位置: 首页 » 供应 » 电源/电子器件 » 电源 » 交/直流稳压电源 » 二手Beckman PPS300 DC电源高精度电源

二手Beckman PPS300 DC电源高精度电源

公司: 深圳市民泰二手仪器行 
规 格:
单 价: 1元/ 询价 
供货总量: 1
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2010-10-06
现货供应二Beckman PPS300 DC Power Supply
Power Supply is capable of supplying maximum voltage at maximum current rating.

Output Voltage (max): 40V DC
Output Current (max): 7.5A
Manual Mode of operation, all the basic functions may be independently controlled via the front panel keyboard and metered LCD display.  Parameters:

Output Voltage
Output Current
Current Limit
Delta Voltage
Overvoltage Protection Limit
Enable Disable the Output
GPIB Address
Delta V Mode of Operation
Output voltage may be incremented or decremented in process steps.

Delta T Mode of Operation
Up to 200 distinctive outputs may be programmed and stored in EEPROM memory within the power supply.  Using the start / stop capability, up to 2000 hours of voltage fluctuations, output currents and time durations may be automatically recalled and implemented.

Remote Mode
When operated remotely, the supply can be both a listener and a talker.  Using an external controller, you can instruct the supply to send measurement and status data back through the GPIB.


AC Input Line: 120V
Power Consumption: 520 W
Weight: 28.63 lb

  • 深圳市民泰二手仪器行 [加为商友]
  • 联系人李汉明(先生) 总经理 
  • 地区广东-深圳市
  • 地址振华路赛格电子市场高科德一楼12847室

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