发布信息当前位置: 首页 » 供应 » PC/嵌入式系统 » 存储设备 » 电子硬盘 » 供应移动硬盘


公司: 上海品芯电子有限公司 
规 格: 40G—80G 
单 价: 1元/ 询价 
供货总量: 1
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2010-10-06

  * 流线和流行设计
  * 简洁和便携式
  * Hi-Speed USB 2.0 
  * "One-Click"自动备份 
  * Plug N' 运动装置
  * 5400 转/分 
  * 8Mb 缓冲 (高速缓冲存储器) 
  * 免费和无限技术上支持
  * 3年质量保证
It’s sleek lines and ultra-low profile styling makes you want to put it on a shelf and stare, but it easily slides into your pocket for ultimate portability. 
The new SimpleDrive portable has style plus. The stylish lines of the SimpleDrive comes from the designers at Pininfarina, the very same design firm that gave the Ferrari sports car it’s stylish lines. It’s sleek lines and ultra-low profile styling makes you want to put it on a shelf and stare, but it easily slides into your pocket for ultimate portability. 
The new SimpleDrive portable has style plus. The stylish lines of the SimpleDrive comes from the designers at Pininfarina, the very same design firm that gave the Ferrari sports car it’s stylish lines. 
全 称: 上海品芯电子有限公司
地 址: 上海市漕溪路252号银海大厦C座409室
网 址: http://www.asichip.com
电 话: 021 54978810 13817388419
传 真: 021-54978997
Email: jason@asichip.com

  • 上海品芯电子有限公司 [加为商友]
  • 联系人谢先生(先生) 市场销售 
  • 地区广东-深圳市
  • 地址深圳市福田区车公庙泰然六路苍松大厦南座815

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