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FLIR HM-Series 海事成像仪

公司: 上海隆强检测仪器设备有限公司 
品 牌: flir/菲利尔
型 号: HM-Series。我们还为您精选了夜视仪公司黄页、行业资讯、价格行情、展会信息等 
单 价: 面议 询价 
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2012-12-26

Extremely affordable
The HM-Series are extremely affordable units. From now on, everyone can

afford thermal night vision. Price is no longer an issue. There is no

longer a need to use a less effective night vision technology.

Crisp thermal images
The HM-224 produces thermal images of 240 x 180 pixels. The HM-324 XP+

produces thermal images of 320 x 240 pixels on which the smallest of

details can be seen. Both cameras are equipped with advanced internal

camera software that delivers a crisp image without the need for user


Choice of lenses
The HM-Series provide a 24° field of view. This offers an excellent

combination of range performance and situational awareness. For longer

range performance, the HM-Series can be equipped with a 2X extender which

offers a 12° field of view.

Extremely portable and rugged
Weighing 660 grams, batteries included, the HM-Series are extremely

comPACt and extremely light systems. They are ideal for go-anywhere

operations, in all circumstances. They are IP67 rated.

Ergonomic and easy-to-use, the HM-Series are fully controlled with just 5

buttons on top of the unit. Conveniently placed the backlit buttons are

all right underneath your fingertips.

Hot shoe
The HM-Series come standard with a “hot shoe” which can easily be

mounted on the cameras. Not only does it allow for tripod mounting, the “

hot shoe” also has a power-in and video-out connection. This means the

HM-Series can be fully operational on a tripod while charging the


Long battery life
The HM-Series have an operating time of over 5 hours on a single charge.

They work on 4 rechargeable AA NiMH batteries that come with the camera.

The HM-Series can also run on standard non-rechargeable Alkaline or

Lithium Ion AA batteries.

Different versions available
The HM-Series are available in two different versions:

The HM-224 produces thermal images of 240 x 180 pixels. It contains all

the necessary features for maritime applications. With the HM-224 you can

see in all weather conditions, in the darkest of nights. It operates

between 0°C and +50°C.

HM-324 XP+

The HM-324 XP+ produces crisp thermal images of 320 x 240 pixels. It

operates between -20°C and +60°C. It comes with a number of useful

features such as:
- Image storage :
Allows storing thermal images in JPEG format on a removable SD-card by the

touch of a button. A 1 GB SD-card holds up to 20,000 images.
- Video storage:
By holding a button, the HM-324 XP+ has the ability to record full frame

rate MPEG-4 video. The HM-324 XP+ can record more than 2 hours of video on

a 1 GB SD-card.
- USB2 connection:
Can be used to transfer the saved images to a PC.
- Digital zoom
A 2X digital zoom allows you to have a closer look at objects when


  • 上海隆强检测仪器设备有限公司 [加为商友]
  • 联系人汤军(先生)  
  • 地区上海
  • 地址中国 上海市 上海市天津路251号(总部)

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