加工定制:是 | 品牌:美国雷顿 | 型号:NC675 |
类型:接触式三坐标测量机 | 定位精度:0.0024(mm) | 外形尺寸:1450*1700*2550(mm) |
适用范围:- | 规格:- |
Miracleseries is the latest generation of Moving Bridge style high accuracy high speed Coordinate Measuring Machine fromLEADER
Miracleserials combines single-point probing and analog scanning in a single high performance measuring machine also can equipped with contact and non-contact probe system. Based on the new generation of controller combines and optimizes temperature and accuracy compensation systems and advanced algorithms to support high-speed, high-accuracy analog open and closed loop scanning.
结构特点Design Characteristic-固定花岗石工作台,三轴导轨均采用优质 “泰山青”花岗岩,因而三轴具有相同的温度特性和抗实效变形能力
- Granite fixed worktable, all three axes are made of high performance granite, good temperature characteristic, have the same coefficient of thermal expansion.
- Granite worktable with integral “dovetail” guide in Y axis, eliminate the pitch and yaw ,also provides superior motion stability.
- Z axis air-balance with self-protection ,improve motion capability.
- Advanced synchronous belt drive system with non-slip and high stiffness, ensures high stabilit, lower noise.
- High precise, rigid, and pre-loaded air bearings on all axes, can ensure the guidance never be damped
- Transmission system uses high-power DC servo motor and new double level tape reducer to ensure rapid and accurate axes
- RENISHAW steel scale
- Famous parts from all over the world are used in every important sub systems
MiracleNC675性能指标NC675Performance Specifications测量行程Measuring Strokes : 600(mm) x 700(mm) x 500(mm)
外形尺寸Overall Dimension : 1450(mm) x 1700(mm) x 2550 (mm)
被测工件最大重量Max part weight : 700 kg
分辨率Resolution : 0.5(mm)
精度指标(根据GB/T16857.2-1997等同于ISO 10 360测量机国际标准) Accuracy accordingGB/T16857.2-1997 equalISO 10 360:
三维矢量速度:Moving speed : 520mm/s
测量的示值误差(Volumetric length measuring error) :E =2.4 +3.3L/1000[mm]
探测误差(Volumetric Probing Error) :R = 2.4mm
环境条件要求Environment Specifications测量机室温度要求Room required specifications
-测量机室的温度Average room temperature: 18 -22 °C
-机器周围环境的最大温度梯度Maximum thermal gradients:1 °C/小时,2 °C/天,1 °C/米,
-供气系统Air supply system
-最小供气压力(Min. air pressure):0.5 MPa
-耗气量(Min. air consumption) :0.1 m3/min
供电系统Electrical requirements
-电压(Voltage):220 Vac±10%
-频率(Frequency) :50 Hz
-电流(Current):10 A
允许的最大的地面振动Allowed Maximum Floor Vibration
-频率范围(Frequency Range):0~19 Hz 19~75 Hz > 75 Hz
-振幅(Maximum Amplitude):0.0011 mm 0.0011~0.002 mm0.002 mm
※WindowsXP/Windows 7(32位)操作系统,全图形屏幕中/英/韩/日/法/德/俄/意/…语言 显示
从 创建各种机型模型——〉建立测头——〉测头校验——〉创建坐标系——〉检测工件及要素——〉测头更换——〉构造元素——〉计算公差——〉输出报告...所有的操作过程100%图形可视,直观明了!
※ 与CAD数据无缝链接:
-防碰撞检测、检测路径预览、实时仿真 -智能测量:自动根据测点及位置判断被测元-素类型 -智能路径规划:自动创建最优的检测路径 -依赖性检测:判断当前状态下调用坐标系和测头是否正确 -Rational快捷面板:提供1个快捷窗口,为用户实现快速实现建立坐标系/构造/公差等计算 |
※ 完整的几何元素测量:点、边界点、直线、平面、圆、圆弧、球、圆柱、圆锥、椭圆、键槽、曲线、曲面、圆环
※ 强大的几何元素构造功能:中分、平行、相交、垂直、相切、投影、移动、拟和、镜像、边界、圆锥、极值点、三点偏移平面、元素转换、多点偏移平面、元素拷贝
※ 多样的坐标系创建方法:快速3-2-1找正、快速CAD对齐工件、RPS找正、多点拟合、迭代对齐(自由曲面类工件找正)等多种坐标系建立方法
※ 完整、快速的形位公差计算:距离、角度、直径(半径)、圆度、圆柱度、直线度、平面度、点轮廓度、曲线轮廓度、曲面轮廓度、倾斜度、垂直度、平行度、对称度、位置度、同轴(心)度、单跳动、全跳动以及锥角、宽度公差
D.英国Renishaw测头系统Probe SystemRenishaw MH20i手动分度测头体 Renishaw MH20i Manmual indexable headMH20I具有良好的分度定位重复性,从而有效地提高了多方向测量的效率。是在使用多个测头/测杆配置和测座位置情况下的理想选择,使得复杂的测量任务在一次就能完成。
MH20i is a manual probe head with two axis adjustable indexing.ComPACt in design, it features an integral kinematic mount that enables repeatable stylus module changing without the need for re-quallifiction.
The MH20i offers 168 repeatable index position set at 15° increments,to maximize flexibility and productivity. Easy to read scales permit rapid re-orientation to pre-qualifiled position, and its lock/unlock feature allows ease of positioning and eliminates unnecessary wear.
•分度轴A(俯仰) Indexable axis A (Roll) : from 0° to90°, step of 15°
•分度轴B(旋转) Indexable axis B (Pitch) :±180°, step of 15°
•重量(Weight) :210 g
•定位重复性(Positioning repeatability) : 1.9µm
•最大长度(Max. Load) : EM2 extened module--94.5 mm
No. 序号 | Name 名称 | Description 规格 | Quantity 数量 | ||
1 | PS1R测针 | 测针 | Φ3×7.5mm A-5000-3604 | 1 | |
2 | PS2测针 | 测针 | Φ2×14mm A-5000-3603 | 1 | |
3 | PS7R测针 | 测针 | 星形Φ2×30A-5000-3626 | 1 | |
4 | PS8R | 测针 | Φ2×6mm A-5000-7807 | 1 | |
5 | PS16R | 测针 | Φ3×20mm A-5000-4160 | 1 | |
6 | PS17R | 测针 | Φ4×20mmA-5000-4161 | 1 | |
7 | PS23R | 测针 | Φ1×7mm A-5000-7808 | 1 | |
8 | SE4 | 加长杆 | 10mm M-5000-3647 | 1 | |
9 | SE5 | 加长杆 | 20mm M-5000-3648 | 1 | |
10 | SE6 | 加长杆 | 30mm M-5000-4162 | 1 | |
11 | SE18 | 加长杆 | 40mm M-5000-7779 | 1 | |
12 | SC2 | 星形转接座 | 5-Way Center | 1 | |
13 | 测头安装工具 | 1 |
- 昆山艾弗特计量仪器有限公司 [加为商友]
- 联系人张春来(先生) 业务经理
- 地区江苏
- 地址中国 江苏 昆山市 北门路1168号-10室